Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Cleopatra's Ancient Skin & Beauty Secrets.

Cleopatra's Ancient Skin & Beauty Secrets. The best and most effective true skin beauty secrets are actually the lowest cost ones and those that are found strictly in nature. The basic best rule for skin care and beauty and fighting the effects of aging & wrinkles, is that is you can not eat the skin product than do not put it on your skin. Some more commonly known Cleopatra skin beauty secrets and treatments for ant-aging are using milk and honey for the skin. Milk has complete proteins & lactic acid and honey nourishes and is anti-bacterial for the skin. What is not well known in that Cleopatra (the Queen of Sheba & Queen Nefertiti) used very finely ground copper in a paste on their skin to help stimulate collagen production. It is a little know fact that copper is essential to collagen production and also essential to the preserving the color of hair. I use a some fine ground copper supplement tablets in all the skin care products to enhance their effectiveness. Other very simple and inexpensive measures to fight the effects of skin aging & wrinkles is using coconut oil and aloe vera. Another not well known skin care secret and collagen production booster is garlic. Garlic has been reputed to boost collagen production and thus help fight the effects of aging and wrinkles. But maybe the best method to help preserve skin health and overall heath and prevent skin from drying out and cracking is to drink plenty of fresh pure water. Many people often over look this and many people are actually dehydrated from drinking too many caffeinated products. Drinking lots of pure water will hydrate the skin and also help to detoxify the body and skin of harmful elements and chemicals that cause rapid aging and per-mature wrinkling of the skin.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Ozonated Oils, Absolute Best skin Care

Ozonated oils are the best skin care products available. This is just my opinion and studies research. I do Not sell for this company, but think they offer a very good value. Ozonated oil can be extremely beneficial and are used more commonly in Germany and Japan than the USA. Ozone in the oils can deliver oxygen to the skin, help detox and area and kill microbes. Ozone is powerful stuff and inexpensive. http://www.ozonatedoilonline.com/catalog/item/3630004/3241980.htm

Cinnamon & Honey, Health benefits

Cinnamon & Honey combinations have many, many Health benefits. Honey and cinnamon 'cures' most diseases and reduces cholesterol. The combination of honey & cinnamon has also been touted to be useful in the prevention of heart disease and also arthritis.

Ancient Beauty & Health Secret, Copper & Colloidal Copper.

This a an unknown ANCIENT Beauty & Health Secret, Copper & Colloidal Copper. It was used extensively by Queen Cleopatra and Queen Nefertiti of ancient Egypt and the Queen of Sheeba. Isotope of cooper can also be worth many times Gold. In certain instances "copper" is an "exotic" metal. Copper will improve collagen production if used correctly, especially if the body is deficient in copper.

Skin product secrets & tips to improve skin care.

Simple inexpensive Skin product secrets & tips to improve skin health and appearance. Using Turmeric in a skin creme. Also using a very finely ground cooper supplement in a skin care cream. The most important rule for skin care products is that if you can not eat it, than don't apply it to your skin. The skin is the largest organ of the body and skin care is a vital part of overall health, not just appearance. These are some of the strongest, low priced, lost cost, natural skin care rejuvenators. Skin health starts from the inside with good natural organic nutritional support. Note of the Mediterranean Blend from www.swansonvitamins.com It contains: Extra Virgin Olive Oil Salmon Oil Grape Seed Oil Green Tea Extract Red Wine concentrate Broccoli extract Tomato extract Oregano leaf oil Parsley leaf Apple cider vinegar powder Garlic oil

Copper and Venus for Beauty

Copper and the planet Venus & the goddess Venus/Aphrodite have been associated with beauty since ancient times in various cultures for very valid reasons.

Hyaluronic Acid for Long Life & Smooth Skin

Comments on hyaluronic acid for long life and smooth skin. Westerners "discovered" a town in Japan whose inhabitants have an extremely long life and very smooth skin. My best research as to where to obtain the "secret" ingredient. hyaluronic acid that can be found at low price & high quality. Longevity and ageless skin, with no wrinkles has been a quest of many people throughout the ages. In some cultures a person's diet will nourish the skin internally and keep a youthful appearance even in old age. Age spots are diminished and wrinkles are removed. Some say hyaluronic acid is like a fountain of youth. A good diet will greatly contribute to skin health and minimize wrinkles.

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits & Practicality

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits & Practicality. Dollar for dollar, Apple Cider Vinegar is by far one of the best things from nature that will benefit your health.

MSM- Super Health Benefits, Hair, Skin Nail & Joints

MSM- Super Health Benefits, Hair, Skin Nail & Joints. MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) is an organic sulfur that in required by the body.

Women's Health,,best supps & oils for overall Health

Women's Health,,best supplements & oils for overall Health Women's nutritional needs are different and it is through nutrition that overall health, beauty and skin elasticity are optimized.

Simple Natural Breast Enhancement & Health

Simple Natural Breast Enhancement & Health. The best approach is through nature and overall health. Some of the proven, not-well-known secrets are Puerarica Mirifica from Thailand , Black-Cohash ad RedClover to boost estrogen very slightly. Other beneficial herbs would be fenugreek - Greek hay, a very ancient herb and licorice. copper for skin,vitamin C for skin,Fenugreek - greek hay,licorice,Black Cohosh,Pueraria Mirifica,Flax Seed,Sesame seed,soy

Aloe Vera juice, an Ancient healer

Aloe Vera juice, an Ancient healer. It is pure nourishment for the skin and body and will help to rejuvenate the skin from both the inside and the outside.

Blackstrap Molasses Benefits & Anemia

Blackstrap Molasses Benefits & Anemia, Blackstrap molasses has numerous benefits from providing essential trace elements like copper to supplying a healthy energy source. Trace elements are vital and without these trace elements a number of major health problems can arise. Copper is essential for hair color and good skin health. Many people say that Blackstrap Molasses helps with anemia. Often overlooked by medical professionals are the simple benefits of good nutrition. A tired feeling or fatigue can be from a number of different things and Blackstrap molasses is not guaranteed to cure anemia but it may provide health benefits for some people and lessen that tired feeling.

Miraculous Amla (Gooseberry) & Fenugreek for Hair & Skin

Fenugreek, also known as Greek hay, has a number of benefits for skin and overall health and has been used since ancient times in the treatment of a number of maladies. Amla, although not well known in the West, is one of the very best oils for hair care and hair health.

Fluoride Causes Rapid Aging

Fluoride Causes Rapid Aging Fluoride is toxic, fluoride is a poison and fluoride will cause premature aging and wrinkles. Toxic fluoride will speed up the aging process. It will interfere with the process of building and maintaining collagen that is required throughout the body.

How to Reverse Stretch Marks

How to Reverse Stretch Marks If at first, creams that contain effective ingredients to reverse stretch marks don't work. persistence in there use may be the key. It takes the body a long time to heal itself. Often skin products will work if used consistently over a long enough period of time. Do not give up. I tell of the best values & most effective items in removing stretch marks. Biotin coconut oil avocado cucumber hyaluronic acid vitamin C vitamin E zinc pantothenic acid Natures Way Alive multi-vitamins

Skin product secrets & tips to improve skin care.

Simple inexpensive Skin product secrets & tips to improve skin health and appearance. Using Turmeric in a skin creme. Also using a very finely ground cooper supplement in a skin care cream. The most important rule for skin care products is that if you can not eat it, than don't apply it to your skin. The skin is the largest organ of the body and skin care is a vital part of overall health, not just appearance. These are some of the strongest, low priced, lost cost, natural skin care rejuvenators. Skin health starts from the inside with good natural organic nutritional support. Note of the Mediterranean Blend from www.swansonvitamins.com It contains: Extra Virgin Olive Oil Salmon Oil Grape Seed Oil Green Tea Extract Red Wine concentrate Broccoli extract Tomato extract Oregano leaf oil Parsley leaf Apple cider vinegar powder Garlic oil